Monday, February 16, 2009

Terrorism and Terrorists

There are two types of terrorists, ones who do it for fun, and the ones who do it to prove a point. The ones who do it for fun are often classroom bullies, who terrorize smaller, weaker kids to the point where the bullied kids will do anything to avoid a beating, verbal or non-verbal. They specialize in this kind of terror because it makes them feel important, that they are better than the other kids. Many bullies start out as kids wanting to become popular, but lack the “gifts and talents” to do so. When they are rejected (bullied) by the “popular” people they feel like they have to prove themselves in order to be with the crowd, by doing what they are doing, bullying others who don’t belong in their “circle”.
The ones who do it to prove a point are the most dangerous. They will go to any lengths to get their view across, whether they are rebelling against unrighteous dominion, race, color, land, or religion, they are willing to do whatever it takes. We have all seen September 11th happen; we know what they are capable of, and how far they can go. This terrorist, unlike the bullies, are willing to die for what they believe in and that in and of itself, makes them one hundred times worse.

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